Monday, 27 April 2009

Clean Up Network Telecommunications!

A slightly surreal exchange between me and my flatmate!:-
Flatmate: Where have you been this afternoon Scott?
Me: Up at my Church.
Flatmate: On Saturday? Doing What?
Me: Mostly looking at pornography.
I was really inspired by the Doll's House seminar. A great deal of effort was put in by the organisers on an issue they clearly cared about. I have felt it is high time someone acknowledged that there has been something of a post-feminist backlash, amongst members of my own generation. However, as soon as anyone (let alone a religious group) complains about images of women in the media, they invite comparison with the likes of Mary Whitehouse (pictured). No pro-feminist would want to become the unwitting ally of the Taleban.
But I think it is important to differentiate reactionary panics about moral decline ( like this,%20etc.. ) from the progressive case that needs to be made against mysogyny in mainstream culture. One of Anne and Appleseed's resources was the following:
Whilst they are multifaceted social issues, the mass media has some part to play in the explosion of demand for cosmetic surgery, incidence of eating disorders and depressive illness. The shocking truth is that with the internet, the debate about pornography has gone beyond the 1980s protests against page 3. There is a less "benign" side that is a potential cause of violence against women.
The Social Action Committee is still open to ideas on what might be done, but I would suggest the following for starters.
A fitting tribute to our own Mary Wollstonecraft!

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